I couldn’t resist these pictures when I was thinking about the agony I was in this day I thought this picture of Syd could best describe how I was feeling!
So today was the day, I was filled with emotion from tears to laughing! Happy to finally evict the tenant I’ve been carrying around for 10 months, and to finally see her beautiful face! That last month was a nightmare it was like all of a sudden a switch got flipped and I was miserable. Bye bye happy glow, hello red swollen face and feet for a month straight! Haha And like all mothers would agree, I would do it again in a heartbeat for that little bundle of joy! Boy, to think how fast that year went. It’s been one of the best years of my life! I can’t imagine life without her! We will make sure to load up the blog with a bunch of birthday pictures of our wonderful little girl!!
A note from Daddy....
Did you ever have one of those days where everything went wrong? That was me and Sydney last night. As soon as Darla left for play practice, the night went south..... quick. Withing 10-15 minutes, Sydney had managed to find my soda which was sitting on the end table by the couch. Somehow she reached up and pulled the entire glass of soda all over her head and onto the carpet. That means I had to not only clean the carpet, but then I had to give Sydney a bath. Unfortunately, Sydney wouldn't let Daddy alone to clean the carpet so I put her in her crib temporarily. It was at that point Sydney fell asleep with soda in her hair and everything..... yuck! After letting her nap for a half-hour or so, I figured I wake her up and give her the much needed bath. No such luck! Sydney woke up in such a bad mood. Nothing I did would calm her down! I gave her a bottle, which she sucked down like she hadn't eaten all day. I then tried to feed her some food, but she wasn't in the mood for that as she hit the spoon and sent food flying. At this point, I'm extremely frustrated with how the evening is going, so I decided it was "bath time". I strip her down and get ready to put my sticky baby in the bathtub. The second I put her in, she starts sobbing like I had just scolded her for something. After her bath, Sydney finally started acting like herself..... finally. Just in time for Mommy to walk in and see a perfect little angel. Figures.