Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Papi's 50th Birthday Party!

I know it's hard to believe, but Papi just turned 50 years old on May 13th! Anytime the family can get together is a blast, but this surprise party was an unwelcomed surprise for Papi. As soon as he drove behind the house and realized the "Memorial Day Party" was actually a birthday party for him, he kept driving past the house! Papi didn't seem that happy about the party, but after a few minutes he warmed up and enjoyed himself. We don't have any pictures of the party, but here are a few pictures of Sydney playing in the yard afterward.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Family Picnic Day

One thing that Darla has wanted to do for awhile was take Sydney on a picnic. We finally had a "free" Saturday, so we packed up a lunch and went to the Milton State Park. Here is a picture of Sydney and Daddy posing for a snapshot that Mommy just had to take. Once we were done eating, we decided to take a nice stroll around the park. Sydney seemed to have a lot of fun riding in her stroller around the trail and playing on the swings. Overall, I think it was a great day, and Sydney seemed to have a lot of fun. Hopefully we'll get some time to get back for another picnic before the summer is over.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sydney’s big step or should I say jump on her own.

Monday night, 5/12/08, Sydney mommy and daddy were all playing on the floor with Sydney’s new blocks when all of a sudden, Sydney got this look of determination on her and managed to get herself into standing position with no help from mommy or daddy. And what did she do? Jump! Of course took about 3-4 jumps before she lost control and leaped into mommy’s arms! Figures she wouldn’t take steps, but jump. That’s my girl! Lean mean jumping machine! When I got to work the next to share the big news with Lori and Tony, Tony argued with me, he said I’m sure she didn’t actually jump. She might have looked like she was jumping but I bet her feet didn’t leave the ground. So I do want to clarify with any other disbelievers that her feet did in fact leave the ground when she jumped. And if you would like to see it for yourself, come on over! She puts on quite a show these days! Haha I as worried about when she would start that we would have more things to worry about, but she’s been great! And I got to say the constant whining we’ve been dealing with for the past three weeks is finally over. You couldn’t leave the room without her fussing. Unless you picked her up and took her with you and most of the time she would let you hold her so you had to help her walk. Now all we do is have to check to make sure she’s following behind us which is normally the case now. I’ll make sure daddy gets some new pics on here for you all. So sorry (barb) about the delay in writing.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Hi Everyone, so sorry for the delay in posting. Barb yelled at Jeremy the other day about it! We've had way too much going on, with mommy finishing up her play, cousin Brett's first holy communion, etc, etc! But we had to make time to get on to tell everyone's Syndey's big news! She took her first "independant" steps on 5/1/08. She finally took a stroll across Mimi and Pappy's living room on thursday night. As most of you know, Syndey's been cruising along anything that wouldn't move but would not take that "step out on faith" by herself. We been having so much fun with her testing out her new skills, I think the hardest part for her, is she wants to go, but go fast! I think that's mommies fault for making her run across the living room while I held her hands, but I would get such a giggle out of her I couldn't resist. We play "ready, set, go!" I would hold her really still and once I said go, we run run run! Which usually ended up in Mommie dragging her across the room. But its fun and that's all that matter right? haha She never ceases to amaze us. It really interesting to watch those little wheels turning in her head. You can tell she's learning more and more how to communicate. Just this morning, I picked up our phone and started dialing to call Mimi and Sydney heard me dialing and starting repeating "hello, hello" Which actually sounds like "owo" She shapes her cute little lips so tight and out comes "owo" On Thursday, Jeremy and I took Sydney for soem all too important grocery shopping, and Sydney walked ALL around that big store, with mommie only offering a finger to hold and spent the time walking around and socializing, every person who came past her she had to greet with a wave and "hi!" It was so neat to see that transition from people having to come up and say hi to her for her to respond and how quickly she learned that wait a minute, I'm not waiting for them to say hi first, I'll start the conversation! Looks like mom has some competition with being Miss Social Butterfly of the year! haha