It was like Christmas in September!!! Haha We had decided to get Sydney a new big girl bed in preparation for Baby #2 which will be here before we know it! October 28th is right around the corner!! Friday night Jeremy and I stayed up until 1:00am trying to get Sydney’s new bed together because of our crazy mommy thought it was a necessity to get done this weekend on top of having a house full of people the next day, fundraiser prep Saturday night and serving dinner for 90 people on Sunday at our church. Of course this needed to be done this weekend! Haha God love my husband, I appreciate more than he’ll ever know… mainly because all he normally hears anymore is can you do this, when will you do that! I think one of the worse symptoms on pregnancy is nesting. It not only affects you and makes you completely neurotic about things but it affects the people around you who have to deal with you! Haha But I think Jeremy can agree it was all worth it to see the smile on Sydney’s face the next day when she came into her room to see the “special surprise” mommy and daddy had waiting for her!!!