Thursday, September 30, 2010

Habitats for Dinosaurs...

So, best $.50 I ever spent was this past weekend at Watsontown's yard sales on a Brontosaurus for Sydney. Sydney and her Brontosaurus (sometimes called her brother)have been inseparable since. last night, as we played in Mimi's bed, Sydney place her dino up on Mimi's desk. Mimi of course asked "Now what's your dinosaur doing up on my desk?" Never did she think she would be answered like this...Sydney says, "He's lost, he needs to find his habitat, his habitat is in the woods for lots and lots of trees." Reminder, Sydney is 3 years old. As soon as she says this, mom and I look at each other dumbfounded once again. The things that come out of this little three year old never ceases to amaze me....

Friday, September 10, 2010

Walking at 10 1/2 months...really?

Really? My baby's walking....really? Is what I keep asking myself. I CANNOT we are really at this point, if I blink, I'm afraid it will be September, what? It actually is September? You mean almost a whole year has passed since Daphney came into our lives? Wow, what a ride it's been. Fast and Furious is what I should have named my children...Daphney (AKA Fast) is into everything!! Fast you must be to change her diaper because she has NOOOO time for you if you decide to dilly dattle around with diaper cream. Fast at crawling, fast at walking, fast and putting things in her mouth that should not be there....and let's not forget Furious (AKA Sydney) furious with Daphney for stealing her toys, Furious with daphney for getting to Mommy quicker than her. Although she does seem furious at times with her baby sister, she is also as much in love as we are with her. Since Daphney started walking you can even see the proudness in her. Syd will cheer her on as she conquers the living room.

My girls are growing up so fast, there's not enough hours in the day to get me fill of them. As I sit here winding down for the night, all I think about is them, how I wish I could have gotten one more squeeze out of them. They consume my heart. How lucky we are to have them in our lives....

Monday, August 30, 2010

9 Month Comparison

SO...can any of you out there tell who's who? I almost can't...Daphney is in the top photo and Sydney is below.
Has it really been months since I updated here? Life is insane anymore, great but insane. Daphney started crawling about a month ago and has not stopped moving since. She is fearless, I was extremely spoiled with Syndey when she was at this stage. Sydney never pushed the limits and was never interested in getting into things that she shouldn't. Daphney has been a different story. The first week we kept her in doors for fear that we would be reported for all the bruises she had on her head for trying to head butt her way through things, like gates, chairs, ottomans you name it. Nothing too big stands in her way! Needless to say she keeps us on out toes between trying to find barracades large enough to keep her in to making sure there's not one single fuzzy, crumb, silly band laying on the floor within her reach. Because if we did leave anything on the floor it goes right in her mouth. For instance, we found a fully in tact silly band in her poop the other day. God knows what else she might have swallowed that we didn't find.
I have to say, I still wouldn't change our lives for anything! Poopy silly bands and all!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

6th month comparison

See! There's a difference...right? In case you can't tell Sydney is at the top, Daphney is below.


Miss Diva at her finest!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Seriously? has it really been since February since I blogged?? Ugh Talk about life in Fast forward!!! What to share some news quick, last Thursday our Daphney has started rolling over! She's been working and working and getting frustrated but now has finally hit this milestone! And Daddy was SO excited because she was the one to witness it for the first time!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow snow and more snow!!!

We were officially dumped on by the snow fairies!!! WOW what a storm. Tried to get to work today, what a joke, I slid for a couple miles then decided to head home, when I turned around, I got stuck...what fun. If the storm would have been over I would have chanced it, but the fact we were to get another 6 inches or so I decided to head home, better safe than sorry.... So we decided to make the best of our day, of course Jeremy was off. SO when he decided to head out to do the first round of shoveling, Sydney and I joined him for some winter fun! As I sit here and type, I'm thankful I'm indoors now, the wind is whipping like crazy out there...let the drifting begin! Should make it interesting to get to work tomorrow! Enjoy some pictures of the snow!

Monday, February 8, 2010

"Hang on to your Helmets!!!" and First tooth!!!

Sydney's quote of the day. I guess she had way too much fun snowmobiling with Pappy this weekend. Sunday night while we were still trying to dig out of the pile of clothes from out trip Syndey was occupying herself with the wastebasket and if that didn't get our attention she looks at us through the metal wiring of the basket and says "Hang on to your helmets!" What a kid. Seriously, never a dull moment with her around! Sydney got to spend a few days with Mimi and Pappy this weekend and had a blast! Only thing better than a sleepover is a sleepover with snow. Tina told us when Sydney woke up that morning she called her over to the window to see the winter wonderland and Sydney's response was "WOW! That's amazing!! Snowmobile" Since the summer when she first laid eyes on Pappy's other toys in the pole barn, she's been asking for a ride on the snowmobiles. And of course Pappy promised her when we had enough snow on the ground he will take her for a ride. Luckily that weekend finally came and what a perfect opportunity when Sydney got to visit for a couple of days. We are so greateful to have such great parents in our lives who love our kids!!! Although she had a wonderful time, when Mommy and Daddy came to get her, she was ready to come home. We walked in and right away she jumped up and started gather her things. I have to admit, it was a good feeling, knowing that she missed us as much as we missed her.

So in other news, Daphney is getting her first tooth!!! 3 1/2 months and teething! If it wasn't for my good friend Lisa, we never would have known! I've always had an issue with letting babies suck on your hands. I always felt that's what binkys and teethers were for, not people's dirty hands....I don't know why, but it's a pet peave of mine...but again I need to say, if Lisa didn't allow her to do that, we probably wouldn't have found it. Seriously, who would be looking for a tooth at 3 1/2 months old? And of course we barely had any symptoms. I mean if she was fussy, or drooling, or ran a fever or runny nose I would know what to look for, but nothing. All I could say was anything put in front of Daphney, she took straight to her mouth. Hands, clothes and burp cloths. Looking back, Friday night she spent most of the night playing and chewing on her burp cloth. So here we my baby really teething? Apparently the fast forward button is still stuck.....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daphney Mae

So since we never gave her the appropriate welcome on Blogger I thought I was take some time to write my thoughts down. I never thought I could love anyone as much as my Sydney...I am utterly in love with this new bundle of joy! As I look back and reminisce of those first few weeks with Sydney I find myself savoring these moments even more. I'm not sure what it is, maybe the fact I know after I experienced these past few years with Sydney that the moment I saw Daphney for the first time I was head over heels in love with her! I guess the joy of having the privilege to take of this little one like I got to experience with my Sydney is just, well there's nothing like it. I am so lucky to be a mother. As Daphney is quickly approaching 4 months, I wish I could put life on slow motion. She growing and changing everyday. in a few short months we went from a glimpse of a smile (knowing it's only gas) to a full ear to ear smile with a little head shake when she sees me. She's already attempting to roll over and is holding her head up like a champ! We find that the car seat and the swing are magic. Daphney will sleep sometimes up to 4-5 hours uninterrupted in the swing. Speaking of sleeping my angel started sleeping through the night around 8 wks. Although we have had a recent set back, may be her cold. Since Thursday we haven't had any of those nights. She stated waking around 2:30a and is sometimes up until 5am. It's my fault she is up so long. I'm so paranoid she will get use to a feeding in the middle of the night,that I spend two hours putting her binky back in her mouth and not feeding her. I finally give in once it's around 4:30 -5:00a. So I'm hoping with the start of a new week well be a new restful one! haha

I knew having two children means double the work, double the baths, double the feedings, double the sickness if we get infected, double, double, double. By the end of the night, I crash...literally, I don't remember a time in my life other than first trimester of pregnancy where I would fall asleep in any place or any position. Where I'm so exhausted that I contimplate that I'm better off sitting on the couch is easier that walking up the stairs. There is seriously not enough hours in the day anymore...I think as of Oct 22nd, God must have removed like 2-4 hours from the day. haha

Monday, January 11, 2010

Apologies! I've been in a time warp

Seriously! Where did the past three months go? As I sit here only hours way of joining the realy world again, I am sad, scared, and sleep deprived. Sad because I am going to miss my little girls SO much during the day. I have enjoyed these past three month more than anyone will ever know! I am so scared that life as I use to know it, is gone. Will my bathroom ever be cleaned again? When will I have time to change the sheets on any of our beds? Or am I going to get so wrapped up in these trivial things like a clean house and miss out on the few short hours I have each evening with my children and husband. I prayed today, "Lord, please make my hours aways from my children feel like I'm in fast forward and let my evenings with them drag on..."

My apologies to all my blogger friends out there for not keeping you all updated. I found a new addiction to play with the last two months, facebook, which really fit into my schedule well lately. Although who knows after tomorrow what I will be able to have time for... But I did want to at least say hello, show off my girls and let you all know what's on my heart tonight. Hope to Add more pictures soon!!!