Tuesday, October 30, 2007

“We’re gonna rock this town…”

So it’s only a matter of time and our girl will have to be gated in! haha Sydney is getting up on to “all fours” with ease! Let me tell you, diaper changes are becoming a challenge! As soon as you lay her down she instantly flips over on to “all fours” and then rocks. The good news is she can’t do much than rock, but I don’t think it will be long before she figures out what to do. She has the strength, just doesn’t know the steps yet. While we were wrestling to get her dressed last night after her bath, at one point she was in push up position. It was too funny. So we know she has the strength! The picture in her yellow towel was from last night. She rolled over and I couldn’t resist I had to get the camera. After about the fifth snap of the camera, Jeremy says, you better watch it, your soon gonna have a puddle! I agreed and sure enough when I flipped her over to put her diaper on, we had a nice pee stain! If you look closely you can see it on the picture!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I have a few older pictures I wanted to share with you all that I just love to look at. It’s sad, I miss Sydney so much when I’m at work I look at these pictures I have saved on my computer at least once a day. It helps me get through the day. I knew it would be hard to come back to work, but never thought it would be this bad! She just growing so fast I can’t get the pictures developed quick enough! Thank God for modern technology, no need to developing. All we need in life is a blog site! haha

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to Sydney’s Prom Date!

Today is Joshua’s 1st birthday. I’ll never forget when we heard the news we were having a girl, I called Megan and Jason almost right after and asked if Joshua had a date yet for the prom yet. It so nice to have such good friends in the same town, I remember when Megan told me the good news they were buying a house in Milton, I think my response was, Oh great! We can be soccer moms together when we start having babies! Haha And here were are, with babies and a mini van for practices! We are set! Haha We are very lucky to have a couple of good friends in town, Anastacia, Lucas, Joshua, Remmy, and Joshua! Look out Milton! Here they come! Haha Time is just flying by! Sydney’s already 7 months old and her birthday’s coming quick! It’s amazing what all we have experienced, how quickly she has grown and her personality is coming through more and more everyday! She’s such a joy! Even when she’s teething! Yeah that’s right, tooth number 3 is almost out. Her fruits and veggies are going down so well, we’ll soon be on to finger foods! Let me tell you that kid loves to eat! Sydney right now is eating cereal and a fruit for breakfast and a veggie and fruit for dinner! We got to get her crawling so she can burn some calories! Haha We getting there, last week we were still “setting her in position” to crawl and we had fun rocking back and forth and then falling on her face. This week, as soon as she gets a chance to get on her belly, she right up and rockin! It’s too cute!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sydney’s cousins

Just wanted to post some recent pictures of Sydney and her cousins. Unfortunately, I don’t have one with her and Joseph so we will have to make it a priority to take some pictures of them together next time. I love the one of Sydney and Brett, they we so cute together, Brett would have let her do anything to her. On the one picture Sydney was grabbing his ear and he just sat there and watched TV and kept saying it’s okay Aunt Darla, I’m use to it. Now the last picture was a cute shot I cought of Sydney playing in her pack in paly hugging her lion, she was too cute, I had to snap a picture. As you can see from the "bed head" she had just woken up from a nap.

Not enough time in the day!

I’ve been trying all week when I get a chance to post some recent pictures and every time, I get an error and I haven’t had time to figure it out. Apparently it’s still working because I always find new and cute pictures of my man Joshua and his blog page, but I’m not having much luck. So here are some pictures I promised a while ago of Aunt Jennie’s shower.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Aunt Jennie’s Baby Shower

Yay! Sydney’s going to have a new cousin in November. At least this one she might be able to maule instead of being mauled all the time by her older cousins! Haha Her cousin Chloe and Emma love her so much they can’t keep her hands off of her! Literally! Haha It so cute to hear little Emma with her lips puckered out saying “Sydney’s so cute!” On Saturday we had a small shower for Jennie to help prepare for the Blue team invasion! Finally Mike will have some extra testosterone to help balance the girly girls out! Haha It was so nice to have a relaxed small “get together” instead of the 60 people Shin Digs we are used to! Of course I still went over board on food. I got at least one comment of “Boy Darla, how many people are coming?”. Aleast I didn’t order another batch of 200 pieces of chicken like I did for a party of 50 people. Yeah, that’s 4 pieces of chicken per person. I still haven’t lived that one down. It was a nice time and hopefully it helped Jennie and Mike be more prepared for Baby Boy. I will post some pictures of the shower when I get a chance. Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The words all mothers are waiting to hear…

Last night Sydney was laying in her pack n’ play and rolling around and talking, and I finally heard it…yep that’s right the moment I’ve been waiting for…”ma ma ma ma” it was brief, and…I haven’t heard it since. I’m trying not to get too excited, especially for the fact that I was no where to be seen, I was sitting on the recliner across the room from her. So it wasn’t like she saw me and then said ma ma. But the fact that we finally are getting some sounds other than “AAAAAA” is awesome! We even got a “ra ra ra ra ra” this morning. So we are getting there… Slowly but surely!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sydney’s 6-Month Checkup

As an end to the festivities of Sydney’s 6th month birthday, we took her Monday morning for her 6 month checkup. It's been a long time since I've been to a doctor's office that makes you sit for an hour after your scheduled appointment... because I’ve learned a way around the system. Unless it’s an emergency, I will only schedule an appointment if it is the first one available for that day. So far it’s been working to our benefit. Since we schedule her appointments months in advance, we usually can get the 8:00am appointment and be out of the doctor's office within 30 minutes! It's awesome!!!! Anyways enough of that nonsense... haha. That was your tip of the day if you are sick and tired of waiting an hour to see your doctor. “They” recommend you schedule first thing in the morning or right after lunch. Who are "they" you may ask?.... my baby magazines.

So anyway, Sydney passed! haha It’s official... she finally weighs more than our cat Simon. Simon is 17 lbs and Syd is now 18lbs, 1.5 oz. and is 28 and 3/4 inches long. Once again she's in “upper 95th percentile”. I’m assuming their chart ends there, because we never hear anything like she's in the upper 97th percentile! I have a feeling she's gonna be an overachiever.

I don’t know why I worry so much about these appointments. I think I’m worried they will think I’m an unfit mother because she had some belly button junk. Yeah that’s right; I inspected all of Sydney’s crevices to make sure there was no smelly crust anywhere. All you moms do it, I’m the only brave one that's willing to admit it! I never thought it would happen, but I am now "that" mom. You know.... the one who uses her own saliva to clean her child's face. Your thumb and spit works just as good a washcloth in a pinch! haha

Thanks to Lori, I also have another complex. One of the first things should told me after "Congratulations! You're pregnant!" was... "Nobody wants to hold a stinky baby. Make sure that baby smells good"! So far, I have followed her advice. Thanks Lori! The first thing people say is, “I love holding her. She always smells so good”! So,... the whole purpose for this post was to update you all on her milestone chart, and instead you got a whole bunch more than expected. I hope you at least got a good laugh! Take care!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy 6th Month Birthday!

In honor of Sydney's 6th month birthday, we planned a day full of events! We started the day with sleeping in until 8:30am. Not planned but a nice surprise. Once Sydney woke up we had our first bottle of the day and then laid in bed with mommy and daddy until 10:00am Even nicer surpise! Finally at 10:00am I had enough and had to get up! Once we got up and moving, we evenutally made it out our door around 2:30pm and on to Ard's Farmers Market for a photo shoot. I don't know what I would do if Megan didn't come up with all these great ideas for Joshua! So once again, we copied...haha Thanks Megan! We got some great pictures out at Ard's of Sydney! We had so much fun, well, at least mom and dad had fun. After the fifth hay bale we sat her on she about had enough. And good news, no one reported us Children and Youth for placing Sydney on the "For Sale" table with all the dirty pumpkins! You know, the tables where there's the dirty hay cushioning the pumpkins along with the 3 foot drop onto the concrete if she just leaned far enough she'd hit! But again we got some really good shots! And Sydney's just fine.

So once our photo shoot was over, off to Walmart to get them developed right away and pick up some happy birthday toys! Once we got home, again another monumental moment...eating peas for the first time! What fun! I have never seen her shake like that. She would take a bite and just shutter from the taste, like "what the heck was that?" She only gagged twice! haha Now Sunday was a totally different, no head shaking, but still dislike. I was smart and only heated up a little bit, but she finished no problem so I got a little more…then rest of the container, by the end she was back to her old self with mouth open and hands in the air. It was exciting! So hopefully tonight will go well and maybe try something new tomorow!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bath Time Fun

Hey Everyone, Here are some pictures from when Sydney got promoted to the big sink. She had a blast! I was getting worried, because bath time wasn't all that fun. Syd would just sit there and stare. Well once I moved her to the big sink I found out why. The poor kid had no room to move! (Way to go Mommy) haha Once we moved to the big sink she screams, splashes and just has a blast! And we get to mop the floor more often because of all the water on the floor we have to clean up after bathtime!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First Time Blogger

Welcome everyone! I want to start off with saying, I'm not a writer nor a good proof reader! See right there I already spelled proof like proff but I caught that one and fixed it! HAHA Thanks to my good friend Megan, she got my hooked onto the world of blogging! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. And if not, you can blog me and tell me you don't! haha