As an end to the festivities of Sydney’s 6th month birthday, we took her Monday morning for her 6 month checkup. It's been a long time since I've been to a doctor's office that makes you sit for an hour after your scheduled appointment... because I’ve learned a way around the system. Unless it’s an emergency, I will only schedule an appointment if it is the first one available for that day. So far it’s been working to our benefit. Since we schedule her appointments months in advance, we usually can get the 8:00am appointment and be out of the doctor's office within 30 minutes! It's awesome!!!! Anyways enough of that nonsense... haha. That was your tip of the day if you are sick and tired of waiting an hour to see your doctor. “They” recommend you schedule first thing in the morning or right after lunch. Who are "they" you may ask?.... my baby magazines.
So anyway, Sydney passed! haha It’s official... she finally weighs more than our cat Simon. Simon is 17 lbs and Syd is now 18lbs, 1.5 oz. and is 28 and 3/4 inches long. Once again she's in “upper 95th percentile”. I’m assuming their chart ends there, because we never hear anything like she's in the upper 97th percentile! I have a feeling she's gonna be an overachiever.
I don’t know why I worry so much about these appointments. I think I’m worried they will think I’m an unfit mother because she had some belly button junk. Yeah that’s right; I inspected all of Sydney’s crevices to make sure there was no smelly crust anywhere. All you moms do it, I’m the only brave one that's willing to admit it! I never thought it would happen, but I am now "that" mom. You know.... the one who uses her own saliva to clean her child's face. Your thumb and spit works just as good a washcloth in a pinch! haha
Thanks to Lori, I also have another complex. One of the first things should told me after "Congratulations! You're pregnant!" was... "Nobody wants to hold a stinky baby. Make sure that baby smells good"! So far, I have followed her advice. Thanks Lori! The first thing people say is, “I love holding her. She always smells so good”! So,... the whole purpose for this post was to update you all on her milestone chart, and instead you got a whole bunch more than expected. I hope you at least got a good laugh! Take care!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
1 comment:
I think there's a special page in every baby book for the day when they pass the family pet in weight. Way to go Sydney!
Too funny! The real test will be at the end of the month to see if Joshua is heavier than Sydney is. It'll be a tight race.
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