Well, reality took over! All my hopes and plans for Halloween literally blew up in my face! Sydney’s favorite toys are ducks, every duck toy we have she LOVES! So obviously, when I was planning on what to dress her for Halloween, a duck came to mind right away! So the hunt began, where to find the cutest duck costume at the cheapest price! Finally I found it! I bought her costume about a month ago in the size she was wearing at the time, thinking it looked huge and it should fit her just perfect on Halloween night. So because there where people to see all over the place, we started early. Jeremy came up and met me at work with Sydney and her ducky costume and our plans were to dress her at the office, go to Lori’s, eat a nice dinner at Olive Garden, and hit Tony’s house on our way home. So Jeremy arrives and I’m all excited, “let’s get her dress!” So we lay her down, and I laid the costume next to her and it wasn’t good. In my mind I’m thinking, “well, it be a tight fit, but we can get her in it!” Note, I was still in dream land of having a happy Halloween at this time! I proceeded to put on her costume, and it’s not fitting, not even close, and I start to panic. I didn’t plan for a growth spurt when I bought the costume. At this point Sydney has had enough, I tell Jeremy to grab a pair of scissors, we’ll cut the feet out and that should be enough. Again, not even close. We get her feet in and they hang about 4 inches past the bottom of the feet. And the shoulder of the costume is about inch or two down past her shoulder. Meanwhile as I’m doing this Syd is screaming! I start shoving her shoulder in and she gets even more mad! So finally thru the sweat and tears (thank God there was no blood) I get her in. Trying to regroup, I hold her up with a happy face and say “see doesn’t she look cute?” As she continues to cry and now can’t even bend because the costume is so tight! It was almost like the little boy from A Christmas Story, if Sydney could speak she would have said “I can’t put my arms down!” So we get her in her car seat and off to Lori’s we go. We walk in her door, and the most we said was “trick or treat” and I was already undressing Sydney. So at least Scot and Lori got to see her in her first Halloween costume.
So after Sydney was free from her costume, she still fussed, so we fed her, and she fussed, we played, she fussed. Finally we leave and go to Olive Garden, and once again…she fussed. There’s nothing I dislike more than a crying baby at a restaurant, oh wait there is…being the one with the crying baby. I was so tense and upset myself I think it only made Sydney worse. So finally our food comes, and Jeremy pick up Sydney and walks in the waiting area to put her to sleep, she was exhausted and couldn’t fall asleep. So there I sat, alone, eating my salad. When Sydney’s that tired, it usually doesn’t take her long to fall asleep and Daddy has the magic touch when it comes to that. So in about ten minutes he was back and his soup wasn’t cold yet. Haha We she slept through dinner and we had a nice meal. We decided, because of everything that happened and how late it was, it wasn’t smart to make any more stops, so we headed home. Once we were home and I got to talk to mom, she mentioned how Sydney was fussy today and she thought it was because of her teeth. (that would have been great to know earlier that evening!)
We had plans for the next day to visit some more people and travel to Elysburg to see my nephews. After the events that happened on Tuesday. I couldn’t handle anymore. So we planned to buy some candy, and stop at Megan and Jason’s to see Joshua. So we roll in, Dugan family was on the porch ready for the kids. It was alittle after 6:00 and her neighborhood was hoppin! Kids and parents everywhere! I was so excited and finally in the spirit. We get out the van and Megan’s all excited to see Sydney in her costume and we roll in with a beautiful baby in a sleeper. That’s it. So we visited with them for a bit, we always have fun when we are with them! And all the parents and kids were so friendly, I couldn’t wait to get home and hand out candy at our house! So we get home, I’m all happy and back in the game, now Sydney’s not quite there, still alittle fussy because of her teeth. I get out the candy and turn on the light and wait…wait…wait…wait… At about 7:30, a half an hour after the light was on, we get our first trick or treaters. I tell them, go ahead take a BIG handful and they looked at me like I was trying to trick them. I had to get rid of the candy somehow! So in the hour and a half our light was on, we got 11 trick or treaters. I think there were 11 in the first ten minutes we were at Megan and Jason’s house!
So finally we turned of the light and got ready for tubby time! So we did finish the night out with some fun. Sydney LOVES getting a bath. She had our floor soaked last night from all the fun! These pictures are from after her bath last night!
So after Sydney was free from her costume, she still fussed, so we fed her, and she fussed, we played, she fussed. Finally we leave and go to Olive Garden, and once again…she fussed. There’s nothing I dislike more than a crying baby at a restaurant, oh wait there is…being the one with the crying baby. I was so tense and upset myself I think it only made Sydney worse. So finally our food comes, and Jeremy pick up Sydney and walks in the waiting area to put her to sleep, she was exhausted and couldn’t fall asleep. So there I sat, alone, eating my salad. When Sydney’s that tired, it usually doesn’t take her long to fall asleep and Daddy has the magic touch when it comes to that. So in about ten minutes he was back and his soup wasn’t cold yet. Haha We she slept through dinner and we had a nice meal. We decided, because of everything that happened and how late it was, it wasn’t smart to make any more stops, so we headed home. Once we were home and I got to talk to mom, she mentioned how Sydney was fussy today and she thought it was because of her teeth. (that would have been great to know earlier that evening!)
We had plans for the next day to visit some more people and travel to Elysburg to see my nephews. After the events that happened on Tuesday. I couldn’t handle anymore. So we planned to buy some candy, and stop at Megan and Jason’s to see Joshua. So we roll in, Dugan family was on the porch ready for the kids. It was alittle after 6:00 and her neighborhood was hoppin! Kids and parents everywhere! I was so excited and finally in the spirit. We get out the van and Megan’s all excited to see Sydney in her costume and we roll in with a beautiful baby in a sleeper. That’s it. So we visited with them for a bit, we always have fun when we are with them! And all the parents and kids were so friendly, I couldn’t wait to get home and hand out candy at our house! So we get home, I’m all happy and back in the game, now Sydney’s not quite there, still alittle fussy because of her teeth. I get out the candy and turn on the light and wait…wait…wait…wait… At about 7:30, a half an hour after the light was on, we get our first trick or treaters. I tell them, go ahead take a BIG handful and they looked at me like I was trying to trick them. I had to get rid of the candy somehow! So in the hour and a half our light was on, we got 11 trick or treaters. I think there were 11 in the first ten minutes we were at Megan and Jason’s house!
So finally we turned of the light and got ready for tubby time! So we did finish the night out with some fun. Sydney LOVES getting a bath. She had our floor soaked last night from all the fun! These pictures are from after her bath last night!
Oh boy I did enjoy this *Halloween" post......but I can't resist saying...you would have a tough time convincing me that she was an unhappy little *duckie* ;>)....look at the wonderful pictures following the "tubby", what a happy little one she is on these pictures!
My *dear hubby* is happy when we DON'T have any "trick or treaters" he loves having the candy that is leftover...doesn't need it, but *loves it*!! Great post to your blog, I enjoyed it...what Jeremy doesn't tell me, I can read it here! Barb (a school friend)
Hi Barb! Your hubby and I have something in common! I usually try to buy enough so we have left overs! haha Have a great! and Thanks for posting!
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