Here are some fun pictures we took of Sydney when we were snowed in for the past couple of days. Every day is a new adventure with her. She’s getting more and more courageous every day. She’s not afraid to pull her self up on to anything anymore. And yesterday I watch her contemplate whether or not to sit and crawl to the next obstacle or if she just reaches far enough she could eliminate a step. I caught her in the bathroom yesterday standing at the toilet which we now realized we need to start putting the lid down just in case! She was in front of the toilet and I watched her reach to the vanity as if she going to cruise to that next. She didn’t quite have the nerve to let go, or at least last night she didn’t. But today’s a new day, who knows what she’ll conquer today! Haha I do have to say with all the action she gives, we do get our down time too. Mornings are so great with her. Once she wakes up and has breakfast, she’ll either play by herself or sit and cuddle with you while she watches Mickey’s Clubhouse. And within 2-3 hours after she wakes up she ready for nap 1#. Mom jokes with us and says we really don’t know what it’s like to raise a baby because she’s so out of the ordinary, we are so lucky to have such a great baby! Even as she’s teething we haven’t had too many problems. Last night was alittle difficult but still nothing compared to some of the horror stories I hear. Syd woke up around 12:30am screaming like as if she was in pain. She seamed to cry more when I gave her, her binki which lead me to believe it was her teeth. So daddy gave her some yummy drugs and within 15 minutes she was back to sleep.
Those pictures are adorable! It's so great to see what all Sydney's getting into these days. I LOVE the one on the chair, lounging away.
Hope to see you guys really soon!
Great pictures...hmmmmm I wish someone would have told me to lounge around during the "snow days"...that picture is adorable, gotta love the crossed ankles...SWEET! I could go for a few more of those surprise days away from school, how about you Jeremy?
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