With Sydney getting older and July 4th making a long weekend, the three of us along with Mimi and Pappy went Knoebel's for a day of fun. Of course Darla was all about getting Sydney to go on the kiddie rides. Well, for the most part Sydney had fun. One of the words she says all the time right now is "ball".
So we decided to take her to the ball pit. I think Mommy was reliving her childhood because she crawled right in there with Sydney and probably had more fun! After that, we took Sydney to the air trampoline thingy... but this time it was Daddy's
turn to go in with Sydney. She had a lot of fun in there, but had a very hard time walking... so she just crawled everywhere she wanted to go. Of course Mommy hadn't tortured her enough, so our next stop was the little Carousel for kids. Sydney didn't seem to mind it at first, but as the ride continued you could see she was getting scared and started grabbing on to me. Overall, though, it was a great day! We had a lot of fun. A lot of food. And a little fantasy. All I have to say is Sydney better like the rides, because Mommy and Daddy need
somebody to ride with them on the rollercoasters.... we can't just let our kid(s) running around without supervision. I know it will be a few years until then, but maybe next year Sydney will have more fun on the rides that are her size! I can't wait!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
1 comment:
I absolutely love the picture of Syd in the balls -- wonderful picture for your desk Jeremy! what a fun day for your family!
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