Thursday, October 11, 2007

The words all mothers are waiting to hear…

Last night Sydney was laying in her pack n’ play and rolling around and talking, and I finally heard it…yep that’s right the moment I’ve been waiting for…”ma ma ma ma” it was brief, and…I haven’t heard it since. I’m trying not to get too excited, especially for the fact that I was no where to be seen, I was sitting on the recliner across the room from her. So it wasn’t like she saw me and then said ma ma. But the fact that we finally are getting some sounds other than “AAAAAA” is awesome! We even got a “ra ra ra ra ra” this morning. So we are getting there… Slowly but surely!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay! So happy for you guys! Don't worry--- Joshua STILL doesn't associate "mama" with me. Mostly I get "dada" or "nguh". I try not to take it personally.

So exciting!