Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

So, it's been two weeks since our last post.... how time flies. There has been so much going on with the holidays and shopping and the crazy weather that there hasn't been time to update everybody on Sydney's progress. She is beginning to expand her language of babbling to include "da-da"....FINALLY! I was beginning to think she only loved her mama. I shouldn't get too excited, though, because she hasn't made the association of who "dada" actually is yet.

Since our last post, Sydney has become quite the crawler. In two short weeks, she has gone from crawling a few feet to crawling across the house. It's hard to believe how quickly they advance once they figure out all the moves. I'm thinking that Sydney is already getting bored with crawling though. She has managed to figure out that if she crawls over to an object, she can pull herself up. I guess that is the next coolest thing. Stay tuned for our blog on walking....I'm sure it'll be exciting.

Sydney has also managed to perfect the "silent" clap. She just started this a few days ago, but she can clap her hands. It's so neat to see.... and she gets so excited that she can do it. The only problem is that there is absolutely no sound when she does it. Who knows....maybe that's a blessing for mom and dad.

On a sad note, our poor baby girl has started teething again. Once again, she's an over-acheiver. It appears as though Sydney is getting 3 teeth in at once ...all on the top. She definately has to be in some pain. The poor thing... We knew something was wrong because her whole schedule was off. It's so frustrating when you think you have them all figured out and they change the rules. No fair!

Anyways, I hope that we get some time soon to keep you all updated on Sydney and what she has in store for us. We wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It’s official!! Sydney’s crawling!

Last night I got to see on a few occasions, Sydney taking a few steps crawling in forward position! We would taunt her with her Binki or a toy by putting it just far enough so she couldn’t just lunge forward like she’s been doing for the past couple of weeks. It was so amazing to see. There’s nothing like seeing your child conquering their “firsts” in life! What a moment! I can’t wait to get home to watch it some more! She’s great! We are seeing more and more of her personality (and temper) everyday! Poor Bro Erb, we were at bible study last night and Sydney had almost everyone behind her their attention. Not to mention a few in front of her that kept turning around to see what she was up too! So when everyone was supposed to be listening to Bro. Erb, they were busy going “gaga” over Sydney and her funny faces. She is SO expressive, it’s hilarious. What a joy to have her in our lives, we can’t imagine life without her!