Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our Big Scare!

I must preface this entry by saying.... please don't report us. Sydney gave me the biggest scare thus far as a parent. Our morning routine throughout the summer is pretty predictable. Sydney wakes up around 8:30am, and then we go downstairs. We turn on the cartoons and drink a bottle of milk. While Sydney is busy drinking her milk, Daddy goes out to the kitchen to get breakfast ready. It doesn't take that long --maybe 5 minutes or so-- but evidently that's enough time for something bad to happen.

Yesterday Sydney and I were right on schedule. After getting her breakfast, I walked into the living room to get Sydney and put her in her highchair so she could eat. As I get closer, I notice that she is chewing on something. I couldn't tell what it was, and since Sydney has been pretty good about not putting stuff in her mouth I didn't feel the need to rush over. That was until I saw Mommy's sewing basket on the floor. Just then I see what Sydney is putting in her mouth.... a straight pin!

Of course, I try to remain calm and say... "No, no, Sydney", as I carefully pull the pin out of her mouth. Investigating further, I realize that Sydney has more pins that she had already put in her mouth. So I start pulling one pin out... and another.... and another.... and another. Seven in all!! Never once did Sydney cry or fuss. After taking Sydney to the doctor and getting an x-ray, it was a relief to know that she did not swallow any pins. It was an absolute miracle that nothing serious happened. In fact, the only thing Sydney had to show for this experience was a tiny little scratch on her cheek.

On a more "positive" note, we lost one of the magnets to Sydney's Magna Doodle. We weren't too concerned that she had swallowed it since the magnets are pretty big, but we have looked everywhere for it. I guess the x-ray served two purposes by confirming that neither the pins nor the magnet was in her belly. Hmmm.... I wonder where that magnet is..... I guess we'll have to keep looking.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

15-Month Check-Up

We always say it, but we have a BIG baby girl. At her 15-month check-up on Monday, Sydney was 34.25 inches long (above 95th percentile), and 27 lbs. 9 oz. (93rd percentile). It just shocks me as to how fast she is growing. I keep trying to remind myself that even though she is in the 93rd percentile for weight.... she is not fat. People always mistake her for being older than what she is. I swear, by the time she is 5 years old, people are going to think she's 10!

Sydney also had to get 3 shots at this appointment..... ouch! I think she is soon going to start associating the doctor's office with pain. It's obvious she is starting to make connections because everytime she sees Mimi and Pappy's house, she yells out, "Mimi!". I guess it's just a matter of time before she's kicking and screaming all the way from the car into the doctor's office.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Day At Knoebel's

With Sydney getting older and July 4th making a long weekend, the three of us along with Mimi and Pappy went Knoebel's for a day of fun. Of course Darla was all about getting Sydney to go on the kiddie rides. Well, for the most part Sydney had fun. One of the words she says all the time right now is "ball". So we decided to take her to the ball pit. I think Mommy was reliving her childhood because she crawled right in there with Sydney and probably had more fun! After that, we took Sydney to the air trampoline thingy... but this time it was Daddy's turn to go in with Sydney. She had a lot of fun in there, but had a very hard time walking... so she just crawled everywhere she wanted to go. Of course Mommy hadn't tortured her enough, so our next stop was the little Carousel for kids. Sydney didn't seem to mind it at first, but as the ride continued you could see she was getting scared and started grabbing on to me. Overall, though, it was a great day! We had a lot of fun. A lot of food. And a little fantasy. All I have to say is Sydney better like the rides, because Mommy and Daddy need somebody to ride with them on the rollercoasters.... we can't just let our kid(s) running around without supervision. I know it will be a few years until then, but maybe next year Sydney will have more fun on the rides that are her size! I can't wait!