Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sydney's 1st Easter

So technically this is actually Sydney's 2nd Easter seeing as how she was born the week before Easter last year, but this is the first one that actually counts. I still can't believe she's almost a year old! Where has the time gone? Anyways, Easter isn't truly Easter until you see the little girl in her Easter dress. Here's are some pictures of Sydney in her cute yellow dress. As you can sorta see, she was not a huge fan of the hat. You know what that means: It's a quick put-the-hat-on-her-head-and-snap-a-picture moment. Even thought these were only small glimpses of Sydney's 1st Easter, she looked absolutely adorable. Enjoy!

Go ahead and say it. "She is SO cute!" I know I'm sounding a bit partial being her Dad and all.... but seriously, have you ever seen such a cute baby? I didn't post all of the pictures that we took, but there is one with her putting plastic eggs in her hat. What's funny is that Aunt Tammy bought her a fancy Longaberger Easter Basket, but she would rather use her hat. It just goes to show you that you can buy all the best toys in the world, but give the kid a cardboard box and they will play for hours. Go figure!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Okay.... I know it's been almost a month since our last post. We are such bad parents for not keeping up with our child's blog. Honestly, though, we have been running around like crazy people getting ready for our Easter Drama. Sydney has done remarkably well considering how hectic our lives have been. Her schedule is off a little, but I have a feeling it could be much worse.

I can't believe it's Easter already! Where has the past year gone. Sydney was born last year on the week before Easter. So guess what that means....... Sydney's almost 1! In fact if you ask her, she may even show you how old she is...... if you're lucky.

So, there isn't really anything new to tell you. Sydney still is not walking, which is a surprise to me. She cruizes on everything and pulls herself up to stuff all the time, but she does not have enough courage to let go yet. I know it will come in time, but I'm anxious. Well, anyways... that's all I have time for today. Stay tuned.... Sydney will be a 1-year-old in about two weeks. We will be sure to post pictures from her first birthday party.