Wednesday, April 29, 2009

“Kitty! Get down…now!!”

Parents, be careful of what you say! Last night as we try to wind down for the night, while we are setting the scene for sleepy time which is turn the low lights on over the fire place, turn the TV on, open the window to let some of that wonderful cool rain air in, get Sydney her sippy cup of milk and maybe a snack, Simon our kitty decides he needs to get in on this fresh air and try to fit in the window along with the box fan. SO Jeremy of course tells Simon not to jump in the window and of course like cats do, he does exactly what Jeremy telling him not to do. So he says “Simon get down”. Well since Simon wasn’t listening, Sydney took it upon herself to yell at the cat until he came out of the window, for a good five minutes she stood at the window with her sippy cup tucked under her arm and her finger on the other hand pointed at the cat and yelled “Kitty! Get down…now!” With authority! So then we needed to spend the next five minutes convincing Sydney that its okay that Simon’s in the window but she felt differently about that. Haha It’s amazing how quickly a child’s language skills flourish. I feel like it was just yesterday when we were cheering her on for saying, mommy, daddy, car and ball. And here we are, in full sentences having conversations with a 2 year old! Boy does this time fly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

So, technically, this is Sydney's 3rd Easter even though she is only 2 years old. We had to take a picture of her Easter dress... doesn't she look adorable?

We also had to get a pic of Sydney with Mommy and Daddy. If you look behind us, you will notice our church platform has the black curtains up. This year was the first year we have not done an Easter Drama at our church. Instead we had an Easter Concert. Overall, it was a success. And Sydney was a real trooper through the endless hours of music practices. She is such a good girl. We couldn't ask for more!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sydney's 2nd Birthday

Can you believe it's been 2 years already since Sydney came into our lives?! It's crazy! In celebration of Sydney's 2nd Birthday, we had a birthday party and invited some of her friends and family over to the house for an egg hunt (since it's so close to Easter). Everybody seemed to have a lot of fun... until Sydney had to blow out her candle. For some reason when everybody starting singing "Happy Birthday" to her, she didn't like it at all. In the picture, you can see the pout on her face and her flushed cheeks. When it was all said and done, Sydney had a great time and I think the other kids did too. Before you know it, she'll be three!

On an additional note, Sydney went for her 2-year check-up. What a HUGE kid she is! She was 36.25 inches tall and 35.25 pounds. That's a big 2-year-old. To look at her, you'd think she was much older. I have a feeling she's gonna be taller than most of the boys....