Thursday, August 20, 2009


“Help daddy? Help daddy?” is all we here now since we have left her do what you see here. Most of you know how neurotic I am about having a dirty kid or a smelling kid…thanks to Lori my coworker, she taught me right! She always said…”nobody likes a stinky baby!” Which is SO true! Have you ever held someone’s baby and they were dirty, or smelled like puke? Or another pet peave, is when their nose is crusted shut from snot build up! Man I hate that. All I what to do is go to town cleaning that kids nose so they can breathe! I’m sure the mom wouldn’t be offended at all right! So I don’t dare… SO needless to say, whenever I take Sydney out, she dress properly, hair’s done usually with a bow in it (marketing opportunity), her face is washed, we do a nose check, and we slap on some good smelling baby lotion if need be. I guess from Lori teaching me that it’s now a reflex! Haha Whoa now there’s a tangent at best! Haha My WHOLE reason for saying this was because here’s some pictures people rarely see of my daughter, in scrubby clothes full of paint! It was great! Jeremy was priming the walls and we went in to see him when Sydney asked “help Daddy paint?” so we looked at each other pondering the situation. And Jeremy says “well now’s to time to let her help, she can’ t ruin anything with primer?” So off I go to find clothes that she can paint in…which let me tell you was hard to find! We don’t have what people would call “play clothes” She plays in what ever she wears…and rarely get dirty so therefore we are missing that category from out wardrobe! So I found and sweat shirt and stretch pants that were Chloe and Emma’s and a pair of “older” socks. And we had a ball! So much fun that even Mimi had to get in on the action! Haha Sydney has SO much fun and so did we watching her!