Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Day with Mommie.

Last Friday, I took the day off knowing how busy our weekend was going to be to spend some extra time with Sydney. I tried to plan a fun outing to McDonald's playworld only to find out it's for ages 3 to 12. Now usually we can get away with something but because of the way this thing was constructed, all we could do was play with the end of the slides. And of course we made the best of it. Sydney had fun yelling and listening to her voice echo and just looking around in amazement at this jungle of colors.

Just for the fun of it, more pictures!

Friday, February 27, 2009

What's that sound, Daddy?

Sydney's newest favorite line. Anytime she hears ANYTHING out of the norm we get. What was that sound? I think for at least 5 minutes striaght last night she repeat the following lines:

"What was that sound, choo choo?"
"What was that sound, car?"
"What was that sound, truck?"

Over and over and over... Actually for the first two minutes t was only car and choo choo. So I thought I would ask her if it was a truck? to throw her off but she just added it to the mix. It was TOO funny. Just like my daughter, she thrives on communication even when she doesn't know how to express herself she'll name off everything she sees! Two morning's ago, she calls for me when she woke up. So I walk in and greet her with a "Good morning Sydney, did you sleep well?" She pauses, looks around and says "binki?, butterflies?, blanket?, blanket?, (because there's two in bed with her) pillow?" And that's how her day started. And this girl LOVES to talk on the phone. Whether there's someone on the other line or not. Her newest best friend is that nice lady on the phone that tells you "If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again." They talk all the time! haha

I'm sure I could read back over the months to see how many times I typed this but "I love this stage!" I love the communication, the intential hugs and kisses, the playing ball, pretend play, etc. etc. I swear she's more and more fun everyday.

Friday, February 20, 2009


pictures pictures pictures!!!

Okay So it's been awile since I posted pictures so we'll have tp ask daddy to fix them! The one's above are Sydney's impression of the pied piper!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


HEY EVERYONE! Yes we are still alive! So sorry for the delay, as soon as January rolls around so does an extra night taken away from us! So now our weeks night consist of mommie working late on monday until 7:30p, Tuesday night bible study, Wednesday night concert practice for Easter, thursday night yoga (although we are suppose to be at group prayer at church) that leaves friday and saturday night free...haha free... not quite! Where to start with Sydney's latest and greatest! oh boy! I give her another few months and she will be able to update this blog herself! Her speech has REALLY taken off! puting 3 and 4 words together at a time. And her newest good bye: "c-ya later, have fun!" And don't dare try to ignore her in a store or public place she will say hello to anyone infront of her...or not, if there's not a person in site for 30 feet she will yell HELLO! to the person far off! It's hilarious! People comment that she's just like me with the way she dances, or the funny faces she makes and the spunk in personality. I have no idea what people are talking about! hahaha I enjoy her more and more everyday. I never tought parenthood would be this spectacular! She is truely a blessing! My hopes of her becoming an amazon so far are coming true. She's got a head up on everyone her age and even some 6 months older than her. My not even two year old is wearing 3T. I always try to sneak a grab of her little friends to pick them up and compare and what a difference! My girl is solid! Oh! and for all you that don't get the amazon reference is I'm hoping she towers over all the boys in school so they are afraid of her. I know for me growing up tall that eliminated half the student body boys from dating. I didn't want to date someone shorter than me and they sure didn't want to date me! I figured let he meet a nice tall boy in college or in her career, you know when she's 35! haha I promise we'll try to get better at keeping you informed and hope to have more pictures of her too her soon! Love you all!