Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We hope everybody had a good Turkey Day! If you celebrated anything like us, you probably need to start the "New Year Diet" in December. Daddy's pants are fitting a bit too tight for his liking... haha. But overall, we had a great Thanksgiving and ate lots of food. Sydney got to see some of her cousins which are growing just as fast as her.

It's so funny to watch Sydney interact with other kids. Since she isn't around kids on a regular basis, she always is a little cautious. I love to sit back and just watch her mind work. You can just tell she is trying to figure out how to play with the kids. But you what.... I don't think it would even matter. She ends up doing her own thing anyhow!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I uve you…

So we need to update you on some of Sydney’s newest milestones. There are coming on so quick it’s hard to keep you updated. There’s not a second that goes by that I’m not grateful to have her and Jeremy in my life. Even when I’m fighting with her at church stay in her seat. It’s funny, during one of Sydney’s break aways on Sunday night, she ran and then danced as though she won! “haha, mom I’m too fast for you” was the look in her eye. So as she dance Sis. Connie laughed and said, Oh Darla I prayed she would be just like you!” I of course fired off a “thanks a lot!” Did you realize what you were really asking for? haha I guess it’s pay back for all the time I misbehaved during Jeremy’s music practices… She becoming more and more curious of others and you can’t find an 19 month old that friendlier than Sydney. She got this thing about her that just draws people in where ever we go… and if their not drawn in…she in your face about it, sending out her loud and friendly Hi’s. Whether that person is 2 feet or 12 feet away for her she’s offering out a greeting of some sorts. It’s quite amusing to see people’s reactions when they are forced into being friendly with her. I hope she never loses her zeal…

Sydney is learning to play make believe with her toys. We had quite the conversation the other day with Mr. Potato Head! It was the neatest thing, Sydney was playing with Mr. Potato Head as usually, ripping off all his body parts and creating Picasso’s out of him with sticking his eyes where his left ear should be and his ear where his nose should be and so on. Well, once Mom put him back together as he should be, Sydney grabbed Mr. Potato Head little hand and shook while saying “Hiiiiii!” When I finally caught on to what she was doing (because mom can be slow sometimes or maybe it’s the fact that I can’t believe she gets it) I would interject (or speak for) Mr. Potato Head with a “Hi Sydney and how are you?” Not expecting a response of course, Sydney gives us a “Good!” Now of course Sydney vocabulary is still limited we spent a good 20 -25 minutes reciting this dialog:

Sydney (while shaking Mr. P’s hand): “Hiiiiii!”
Mommie (voice of Mr. P): “Hi Sydney, how are you?
Sydney: “Good!” ……… “Hiiiiiii!” (and repeat)

My other favorite new milestone is comprehending “I love you”
Up until just recently, whenever you told Sydney “I love you” she would always say “Bye!” Mainly because whenever we say good bye it would be followed with and I love you. So I made it a point to teach Syd to say I love and make sure we were doing it not only when we were leaving somewhere. So while we were playing Monday night, my efforts paid off. I was laying on the floor and Sydney was climbing on my back and all of a sudden, she laid down and squeezed me and said “I uve you.” Well, I just about melted.