Thursday, September 30, 2010

Habitats for Dinosaurs...

So, best $.50 I ever spent was this past weekend at Watsontown's yard sales on a Brontosaurus for Sydney. Sydney and her Brontosaurus (sometimes called her brother)have been inseparable since. last night, as we played in Mimi's bed, Sydney place her dino up on Mimi's desk. Mimi of course asked "Now what's your dinosaur doing up on my desk?" Never did she think she would be answered like this...Sydney says, "He's lost, he needs to find his habitat, his habitat is in the woods for lots and lots of trees." Reminder, Sydney is 3 years old. As soon as she says this, mom and I look at each other dumbfounded once again. The things that come out of this little three year old never ceases to amaze me....

Friday, September 10, 2010

Walking at 10 1/2 months...really?

Really? My baby's walking....really? Is what I keep asking myself. I CANNOT we are really at this point, if I blink, I'm afraid it will be September, what? It actually is September? You mean almost a whole year has passed since Daphney came into our lives? Wow, what a ride it's been. Fast and Furious is what I should have named my children...Daphney (AKA Fast) is into everything!! Fast you must be to change her diaper because she has NOOOO time for you if you decide to dilly dattle around with diaper cream. Fast at crawling, fast at walking, fast and putting things in her mouth that should not be there....and let's not forget Furious (AKA Sydney) furious with Daphney for stealing her toys, Furious with daphney for getting to Mommy quicker than her. Although she does seem furious at times with her baby sister, she is also as much in love as we are with her. Since Daphney started walking you can even see the proudness in her. Syd will cheer her on as she conquers the living room.

My girls are growing up so fast, there's not enough hours in the day to get me fill of them. As I sit here winding down for the night, all I think about is them, how I wish I could have gotten one more squeeze out of them. They consume my heart. How lucky we are to have them in our lives....